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ISBN and ISSN are unique identification codes established for information control, exchange, and retrieval of various media publications (newspapers, journals, magazines, and books, etc.). Searching ISBN and ISSN can quickly and effectively identify the publication location, publisher, title, and version of a publication.

ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is the international standard book number for periodic publications

ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is the international standard serial number for regular publications

With the above two numbers, it indicates that the publication has been registered with ISBN or ISSN international institutions and has reached international standards. The background information of the publication can be queried at any time through the numbers, enhancing readers' confidence in the publishing house.

Apply for ISBN
ISBN Scope of Application

One ISBN application can obtain 10 book numbers, applicable to books, brochures, miniature copies, educational television or movies, mixed media publications, maps, and electronic publications distributed in Hong Kong

Information required for applying for ISBN

Registered Hong Kong Press Business Registration Certificate and a copy of the applicant's ID card or passport

A valid Hong Kong address

After publishing books, 5 to 7 books must be submitted to relevant government departments for archiving and registration

Time required to apply for ISBN

Approximately 7 working days

Apply for ISSN
ISSN Scope of Application

One ISSN application can obtain an international standard publication number, suitable for newspapers and magazines

Information required for applying for ISSN

Copy of company business registration certificate and registration certificate

The cover, back cover, and table of contents of the publication to be printed

After publishing books, 3 to 4 books must be submitted to relevant government departments for archiving

Time required to apply for ISSN

Approximately 14 working days

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