
Intellectual Property Right

Intellectual Property Right

Registering a trademark, as a way to achieve brand protection, is highly valued by investors from various countries. Trademark protection has regional characteristics, and different countries have different requirements for trademark registration. Rengang Yongsheng provides trademark agency registration services in China and around the world, and solves various issues during the trademark registration process for customers.

Trademark classification
The Nice International Classification of Goods and Services provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization is widely used internationally, divided into 45 categories, including 1-34 categories of goods and 35-45 categories of services.

Our services include:
Registering a Hong Kong trademark

Registering a Chinese trademark

Registering overseas trademarks

Global Trademark Monitoring

Related services
Trademark registration and evaluation

Provide trademark registration suggestions

Trademark registration application

Trademark change, renewal, renewal, transfer, and licensing

Trademark review, rejection, defense, revocation, objection, and dispute matters

Obtaining trademark registration certificate on behalf of others

Assist in trademark customs filing and protection

Assist in handling trademark rights protection and anti-counterfeiting measures

Assist in handling trademark infringement lawsuits

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