


Accounting is an economic management activity that uses currency as the primary unit of measurement and specialized methods to account for and supervise the economic activities of enterprises. Through procedures such as bookkeeping, calculation, and reimbursement, accounting can comprehensively reflect the financial status and operating results of a company. Enterprises entrust accounting and bookkeeping work to professional accounting agencies, which not only saves costs but also enables them to obtain financial statements that comply with accounting standards. At the same time, the analysis and suggestions of relevant data by professionals can help improve the management level and profitability of enterprises.

The senior accounting personnel of Rengang Yongsheng Certified Public Accountants have good professional ethics and prudent accounting skills. Through in-depth understanding of customer business, and in compliance with relevant accounting standards, they design and implement the best accounting service plan to relieve customers of worries, save operating costs, and gain sufficient time to focus on expanding business.

Accounting purposes

Provide accounting information related to the financial condition, operating results, and cash flows of the enterprise to users of financial accounting reports, reflect the fulfillment of entrusted responsibilities by the management of the enterprise, and assist users of financial accounting reports in making economic decisions.

Accounting elements

Static elements: assets, liabilities, owner's equity

Dynamic elements: revenue, expenses, profits

Our services include:

act as agent and keep account

Set up accounting system

Preparation of financial statements

inventory management 

cost control 

Establish an internal accounting audit system

Xero Cloud Accounting Services

Our Services Include:

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