
FAQs of Offshore Company Incorporation

FAQs of Offshore Company Incorporation

FAQs of Offshore Company Incorporation

FAQs of Offshore Company Incorporation

How is the name of offshore company proposed?
Generally speaking, company name should include wordings such as "Limited", "Corporation", or simplified "Ltd.", "Corp." or "Inc.". If the proposed company name is the same as any registered company name, it cannot be registered. Moreover, the company name generally cannot contain "Bank", "Insurance" or other words with similar meaning.
Can the name of an offshore company written in Chinese characters?
Yes, in certain countries, for example, in BVI, Cayman Islands, Samoa, Chinese characters can be used as company name.
What is the minimum amount of registered capital?
The amount of registered capital of an offshore company depends on the requirements of the scale of operation and the purpose. The requirements for registered capital may vary in different countries, as detailed in  Jurisdictions Comparison Chart 261kb.
How many shareholders and directors does an offshore company need?
It needs at least one shareholder and director, which can be the same person.
Is the information of the company's directors and shareholders available to others?
The laws in most places of offshore company incorporated do not require publicizing the identity of shareholders and directors and other material information. Therefore, it is not available to others.
Can an offshore company operate in Hong Kong once registered without declaration to Hong Kong government?
No. Company in any country or region, which conducts business in Hong Kong, shall apply Business Registration Certificate and declare tax. According to Section 11 of Companies Ordinance of Hong Kong, the company should be registered as an offshore company incorporated in Hong Kong.
Does the information of shareholders and directors of an offshore company need to be filed with local government?
No. Most offshore companies need only to file the information of directors or shareholders with local agent.
How is the existence and validity of company certified?
After the company is registered, we will deliver the Certificate of Incorporation, steel seal of the company, articles of association and others to clients. In addition, we can also help clients apply for "Certificate of Good Standing" to local government.
Can an incorporated offshore company modify the articles of association and other documents of the company?
Yes. An offshore company can modify and supplement the articles of association and other documents lawfully.
How can an offshore company with the aim of investing in China obtain the "Certificate of Credit " required by the Chinese government?
Offshore company needs to open account at bank and have certain capital; after examination of the bank, it will be granted the credit certificate.
Need Delaware company pay federal tax and state tax of USA?
Not necessarily. Delaware company not operating in the USA shall pay no other tax than annual licensing tax.
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